Home Forums Public Website Development Task 1 – Resources

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    • Ray Novitske
      Post count: 8

      First we want to tackle our References and Resources. They are located on two different pages of the site. We want to:
      1. develop goals for this information – for pubic use – identify the needs of our users
      2. develop an updated list of materials that should be included
      3. develop the best way to package and present the information on our site.
      This task may not be limited to these two pages, but may involve looking at how they relate to the Garden Calendar and the Lab Reports too.

      Let us know if you have ideas to improve the presentation on the website, and/or if you are interested in working on reviewing and revising the list(s).

      • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ray Novitske.
      • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ray Novitske.
      • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ray Novitske.
    • Joyce Giuliani
      Post count: 14

      I see the References but what are you calling Resources? I assume you mean the Library tab. I’ve looked quickly at Archives in the Library tab and would like to see a category/picture combination that leads to a linked list. It feels awkward to put the list accompanying the category on the first page and making it necessary to scroll down further to see other categories.

      I also agree on a check for updated information if that is not already an on-going task.

      Is there a way to see how often any of the website’s references or library resources are accessed?

      That’s it for now!

      • Ray Novitske
        Post count: 8

        I mean resources as a general term – not that it is a specific titled section (sorry I capitalized it). I was referring to the References and the Publication pages on the website. We can talk about layout and pictures in archives, sure. We can use better stats on the pages accessed, but from what I see with the limited stats we have access to, archives and references are not accessed very often by readers.

        • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ray Novitske.
        • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ray Novitske.
    • Ray Novitske
      Post count: 14

      Good discussion on the resources. To summarize:
      1.) We will work to combine the Reference Publications page, the Archives page, and the Reference Links pages. The idea is that when readers visit the site, they are not distinguishing between what format the information is in.
      2.) Each of us will take one subject to consolidate the references and report back in about a month to evaluate the results.
      3.) We will then determine if new topics (not currently listed on the Archives page) are needed, and then look at updating the references, adding new ones, and deleting older less-useful ones.

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