Home Forums Public Website Development Task 2 – Invasives

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    • Ray Novitske
      Post count: 8

      The second area concerns the Master Gardener focus on Invasive plants this year. We want to consider how the website can contribute to this emphasis. Let us know your ideas.

      • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ray Novitske.
      • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Ray Novitske.
    • Ray Novitske
      Post count: 8

      In the past two months, we have had one story about an invasive plant to educate the public on what invasives we have in our county.

      It would be good that when we highlight an invasive plant, we also tie that in to the Facebook and Instagram sites at the same time so they are coordinated.

    • Sylvia Sloan
      Post count: 14

      Hi Ray,
      When you mentioned invasives in this are that are not listed as invasives, are you meaning plants that are not native and that are over planted? For example, I was thinking about the Crape Myrtle – it seems to be in everyone’s yard and it can seed itself. If this is not a good example, could you give us one?

      • Ray Novitske
        Post count: 8

        I was thinking of items on the Virginia list of invasives that are still sold such as Bradford Pear and English Ivy. Seeing these for sale in nurseries and stores may lead the public to think they are not invasive. So our task would be an educational one to set the record straight.

    • Lynne Pieri-Finn
      Post count: 14

      Funny I just wrote to FCPAInvasiveManagement@fairfaxcounty.gov to re-remove the Tree of Heaven along Baron Cameron Park in Reston. They did so last year but the ToH is back. They are a volunteer org so I said I’d be willing to help.

    • Lynne Pieri-Finn
      Post count: 14

      There is a list of invasives in my VA natives book with native replacements.

    • Nancy Miller
      Post count: 14

      I’d love to work on this–invasives being a pet peeve of mine. Burning Bush for August/September? Using a tie-in to social media would be a way to reach more of the general public & perhaps be more persuasive. There’s an article in 5/10’s Washington Post on p. A15 linking invasive plants to climate change & environmental degradation, and thus raising the risk of another pandemic.

    • Ray Novitske
      Post count: 14

      Nancy, Lynne, looks like you two are the only ones that want to work on this project with Pat and me. I will set up a quick Zoom call for us soon and we can develop a plan for the remainder of the year.

    • Ray Novitske
      Post count: 8

      Thanks for participating in the Invasives planning meeting. These are the summary topics we discussed and decided on to help educate our readers:

      1.) A story defining invasives: what are they; how they impact us; why we should care; why they are dangerous; how they got here; some plants are invasive in some areas but not others; how global warming is affected and how global warming affects invasives.

      2.) A story about what common invasives people purchase and plant without knowing; alternatives; those readily available in retail stores; why some plants are sold and others are banned

      3.) A story on non-desirable plants that are not invasive, but may be problematic

      4.) Story about Kate Dando’s garden; how if came to be; her journey.

      5.) A story highlighting some Master Gardener’s experience with invasives.

      Blue Ridge PRISM: https://blueridgeprism.org/
      Virginia Invasive list: https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/document/nh-invasive-plant-list-2023.pdf

      Other additional comments and thoughts are welcome here.
      Maybe a story on invasive look-alikes?

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